The Most Famous Love Poem
Love poems have been written for centuries to inspire lovers and create romance. When you give your special someone a love poem, you can express your feelings through eloquent words in a memorable way. Many famous love poems are written by classical poets, such as Lord Byron, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and Shakespeare. But a famous love poem by a modern poet may appeal to a younger person who likes a less formal tone.
The poet e.e. cummings wrote what is probably the most famous love poem currently. It has been featured in other books and movies, used as inspiration for other writers.
i carry your heart with me
by e. e. cummings
i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
The poet e.e. cummings is quite a unique writer in that he used new methods of creating mood and setting the words to paper. He explored the use of white space on the page and made the words' appearance just as important as their sound when the poem was read aloud.
This poem is a perfect example of his use of parentheses and unusual stanza variation. He found a wonderful way of expressing very abstract ideas with some concrete grammatical forms. Use this poem to express to your loved one just how much they mean to you.
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José Carlos
Nice post!
Very interesting blog. Kiss kiss
Is that the most famous love poem?? I'd never heard of it!!
Lovely blog you've got here though ...
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Way to go. Nicely kept blog. I could only aspire...
nice one...remind me of jump, i jump...hehe
Pablo Neruda
That poem was so sweet.
Interesting post and blog.
I have also published several bodies of work my lastest collection is availible on Amazon: Gagging on the Wishes.
Keep up the good work.
I have always loved this poem. I used it as the background commentary for the slide show memorial photos at a loved one's funeral and it was powerful.
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your blog's style is very good~~
i like it ~~
welcome to my new blog~~
well..good poem~~I like it~~
welcome to my blog~
If I were you I'd go to Princess Haiku's blog. there is a link to it from mine.
That poem reminds me of what Jesus would have to say about all of us.
Our hearts are in His. So much so that He died for us! Imagine how much or what kind of love it takes to die for someone... A love so sweet and pure, a love that has no selfish motive other than seeking you for who you are.
Thanks for sharing that poem.
Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
very nice
beatifull poen and a very nice blog , congrats
Very poignant, dude
Hmmm, I think that the Song of Solomon, KJV, is still pretty damn good. Haven't read any ee cummings. Might try some eventually.
It's a beautiful poem by a great poet.
Thanks for that.
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WOnderful blog. I am inspired by the excellent articles.
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(Its about explosive chemistry)
nice work........
I love that poem. It makes me miss when my husband was a reasonable person.
Thank you for a great post. I had not heard of this poem, although I know cummings from high school english class.
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ee cummings also didn't use capital letters or traditional punctuation - he was way ahead of his time.
thank you for sharing.
I grew up by the sea and ee cummings captured the whole concept of the feeling of it all in his poem Maggie, Milly etc...the last verse reads...
"For whoever we are, whether it's a you or a me - it's always ourselves we find in the sea!"
it's cool blog. well done.
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thank you!
I have to say I have never heard of the love poem you suggested. Though I do like it.
a bit long
The poem is good, no doubt, but the parentheses are rather distracting.
Yours is a nice blog and I say it for its sheer variety of contents.
Pure genius. I love this poem...
Greetings ;)
Love stuff..
Makes you pain in your heart when things just doesn't go with the you hope for..
Maybe the joyful part is more then the painful part and that makes it worth it...
For the sake of sweet memories....
Come, Come again ! Whatever you are... Whether you are infidel, idolater or fireworshipper. Whether you have broken your vows of repentance a hundred times This is not the gate of despair, This is the gate of hope. Come, come again...
your blog is into my heart
Nice ..
Nice! Though I believe that the best love poem ever written is "The definition of love," by Andrew Marvel.
Keep up the good work.
What a beautiful poem : )
Si no tuvieras tu cerebro inmerso exclusivamente en la cultura anglosajona sabrías que los mejores poetas del mundo y de la historia son de cultura greco-romana. Posiblemente los mejores sean los poetas españoles e italianos del S XVI.
gret blog the world is still spinning
Most famous love poem... can't be close it is the Song of Solomon also known as Song of songs in the Bible. Read over thousands of years with "B" billions in print in more languages than any other book on the planet.
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